Ready to ring in Movember 2024 with a perfectly trimmed mustache to steal the show? There’s no doubt that your meticulously grown mustache will turn heads but this Movember, let’s shine the spotlight on the countless men’s health issues of which the “Mo” is intended to raise awareness.

But before we indulge in the details of mustache styles and fashion trends, let’s talk about HOW the mustache in all its glory became the face of men’s health in the first place.
“Mustaches for Movember” was born the night two Aussie friends shared a drink and decided more must be done to raise awareness about men’s health causes. As trendy individuals, Travis Garone and Luke Slattery just knew that they needed a manly symbol that was fit to convey unwavering masculinity while promoting men’s health awareness at the same time.
So when you’re standing in front of your bathroom mirror and trimming your “Mo” to perfection before work, remember the role of testosterone in a big-picture context and as a key factor in contributing to good hormone health and overall wellness.
Mustache for Movember: Why?
Why is it that so much of our image of men is influenced by outdated expectations? The image of the tough and invincible man, where any signs of weaknesses are stamped as shameful. Movember 2024 aims to change the way we perceive men and their health because men’s health is important.
The sad truth is that this lingering image that has survived generation after generation, is what makes men’s health awareness particularly important because illnesses in men have falsely been construed as emasculating. Unfortunately, to date, many men still feel it’s taboo to talk about certain health concerns and choose to suffer in silence rather than vocalize their struggles.
Mustache for Movember is a movement aimed at normalizing men’s health and encouraging men all over the planet to seek medical care when they need it.
Therefore, the Movember Foundation focuses on raising awareness for men’s health, particularly for men’s mental health, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer — for men too, deserve to live a happy and healthy life.
The Role of Testosterone
Testosterone is a chemical messenger traveling in your bloodstream and performing an array of important functions — just like the rest of your hormones. But testosterone is unique as it’s the key male sex hormone, promoting the growth of male-specific features while simultaneously maintaining hormone health and overall wellness.
Sometimes we mistakenly presume a much more limited role of testosterone and assume its impact is restricted to sexual and reproductive functions. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth as its reach goes beyond your sexual health.
(1) Muscle Mass & Energy
Research suggests that testosterone is a significant contributor to muscle growth, promoting the development of healthy muscle mass by fostering the synthesis of protein in your body. Lean muscle mass is essential in providing strength and maintaining a healthy BMI.
At the same time, testosterone helps boost your energy levels and allows you to enjoy improved life quality by tackling tasks more efficiently. A survey conducted in men with low testosterone found that 52.3% indicated that testosterone therapy increased their energy levels — helping them fight off gut-wrenching fatigue.
(2) Hormone Balance
As a significant component of your hormonal system, testosterone is a key player in successfully maintaining a healthy hormone balance. Your Movember mustache should function as a reminder that your endocrine system is wide-reaching, controlling anything from mood to weight, metabolism, and reproductive processes.
With so many varying functions and processes at stake, ensuring hormone levels are within normal limits is critical for your body to perform optimally. Testosterone might only be one player in a highly complex system but it has proven particularly important in hormone health and overall wellness.

(3) Mental Health
We don’t like to talk about it sometimes because it’s hard for us to admit — but we’re NOT invincible after all. Still a taboo topic for the majority of men, the Mustache for Movember movement hopes to end the lack of empathy for mental health issues in men. And men’s health awareness starts by addressing mental health concerns.
While the image of the untouchable macho man prevails, it REALLY is okay to talk about depression, PTSD, and anxiety. In fact, it’s important you do. About 1 in every 10 men is depressed or suffers from anxiety but most will not seek treatment. As a result, 4 times as many men as women die by suicide every single year.
(4) Sexual Health
While a key player in hormone health and wellness, testosterone plays an especially grand role in sexual and reproductive health. You can think of it as the fuel for your engine, boosting your libido and enhancing sexual performance alike.
Because testosterone decreases by 1% every year after you’re about 40 years old, testosterone deficiency is more frequently observed in older men. But with a reduction in testosterone can come sexual problems, including erectile dysfunction and a diminishing libido. However, testosterone therapy has been shown to improve your sex drive and can help with erectile dysfunction.
Movember 2024 serves as an opportunity for men to feel empowered to talk about their health. If you’re suffering from sexual symptoms due to a decrease in your testosterone levels, reach out to your doctor and discuss your concerns.
So Which Mustache Are YOU Putting on Display?
Whether you prefer the natural mustache or are willing to experiment with more eccentric styles, consider growing a Mo this Movember — and when you do, remember to spread the word about the importance of men’s health awareness.

Mental well-being, hormone health, and overall wellness are all critical parts of your health, fitting together like a puzzle that will be incomplete without even one piece. And because your health is so important, it’s pivotal that you take care of it — all of it — and encourage your friends and family to do so too.
Use Movember 2024 to learn about the profound role of testosterone and the wide-reaching effects of testosterone deficiency. After all, it’s not taboo to talk about it for Mo Bros.
If you’re curious about more manly topics and have your mustache readily on display, sign up for our newsletter and learn more about men’s health.